English Pronunciation  How much does a round trip ticket to Austin cost?

What's the meaning of “How much does a round trip ticket to Austin cost?”?

If you don't know how much a train ticket costs, you can ask at the ticket office by using the sentence pattern How much does a + TICKET TYPE + to Austin cost?. An employee would then tell you the price, A round trip ticket costs $70.

How do you pronounce “How much does a round trip ticket to Austin cost?”?

Listen to the male and female pronunciation of this phrase in American and British English. Afterwards you can record and compare your pronunciation with the audio recorder.
  • AEHow much does a round trip ticket to Austin cost?
  • AEHow much does a round trip ticket to Austin cost?
  • BEHow much does a round trip ticket to Austin cost?
  • BEHow much does a round trip ticket to Austin cost?

How could I respond to “How much does a round trip ticket to Austin cost?”?

A round trip ticket costs $70.

How do I form “How much does a round trip ticket to Austin cost?”?

How much does a + TICKET TYPE + to Austin cost?
  • How much does a round trip ticket to Austin cost?
  • How much does a one-way ticket to Austin cost?
  • How much does a group ticket to Austin cost?

What are other important sentences related to “At the Train Station”?

  • I'd like a single ticket to Los Angeles.
  • What time does the train leave?
  • What platform does the train leave from?
  • The train is delayed for two hours.
  • The train arrives at platform 9.
  • Tickets, please!
  • What's the next stop?
  • What time will we arrive?
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