As a free learning portal, we rely on the generous contributions from visitors like you. There are many possiblities to support us financially or without spending any money at all.
Would you like to work with us or contribute to our Learning Portal? You can! Here is how:

Follow us

Link to us

If you have a website, you can alert your visitors to our learning portal by linking to us.
If you don't have a website you can add a link from your social networking profile, or suggest adding a link to a site administrator that you know (e.g. in your school, university, company, …). Or add a link to our website in your forum signature.

Mention us on your blog

Refer to and discuss this learning portal in your blog. We welcome all comments, opinions and helpful suggestions.

Tell your friends

The best advertising is word of mouth. Spread the word about our learning portal to your friends, family and colleagues. Many people are interested in learning languages and are looking for a free online learning opportunity. Help them out by telling them about us.


Our team is made up of many volunteer workers and contributors. We welcome new team members to keep our site growing.
If you:
  • have an idea how we can improve our site;
  • would like to donate some of your time to developing new learning materials;
  • would like to mentor learners;
then we would like to hear from you.
Many people have already contributed to the Learning Portal. See Contributors.
Thank you for supporting us and actively helping us to provide these free language learning opportunities.
