Speak the dialogue

Speak your answers to the dialogue (when it's your turn). Record your answers to the dialogue (when it's your turn). Then replay your recording and compare each recorded part to the original.
Hey David. Do you want to go to a concert with me?en
What kind of concert is it?en
A live music concert. The philharmonic orchestra is playing in the park next weekend.en
I'm not sure if I like classical music. How much are the tickets?en
It's free. But you have to reserve tickets, and they are usually gone pretty quickly.en
What kind of music will they be playing?en
They normally play a mix of contemporary composers. I went last year too, and it was great.en
When does the concert start?en
It starts at 2 pm in the park.en
Okay, 2 pm works. I'll go with you. I have nothing better to do anyways.en
Awesome! I'll get the tickets, and then we can meet a little bit beforehand?en
Sounds good. I'll see you then.en
Speak your answers to the dialogue (when it's your turn). Record your answers to the dialogue (when it's your turn). Then replay your recording and compare each recorded part to the original.
Hey David. Do you want to go to a concert with me?en
What kind of concert is it?en
A live music concert. The philharmonic orchestra is playing in the park next weekend.en
I'm not sure if I like classical music. How much are the tickets?en
It's free. But you have to reserve tickets, and they are usually gone pretty quickly.en
What kind of music will they be playing?en
They normally play a mix of contemporary composers. I went last year too, and it was great.en
When does the concert start?en
It starts at 2 pm in the park.en
Okay, 2 pm works. I'll go with you. I have nothing better to do anyways.en
Awesome! I'll get the tickets, and then we can meet a little bit beforehand?en
Sounds good. I'll see you then.en
