Learn the dialogue

Listen to the dialogue while reading the text.
What do you think about being more active, Ashlee?en
Probably not a bad idea. What were you thinking?en
Maybe taking up a new sport. Something that keeps me active and is fun.en
A sport like playing football or basketball?en
Something like that, but I'm terrible at both of them.en
How about skiing or snowboarding? Winter is coming and I can ski. I could teach you.en
Skiing sounds fun, but it's expensive with all the equipment and lift passes, right?en
It's definitely not a cheap hobby. Maybe we could go swimming? You can do it year round.en
That's a great idea. There is a pool close by, and in the summer we can go to the local lake.en
Alright, David. Then it's settled. We are going swimming next week.en
